Saturday, August 24, 2013

Gwader port: Hope for Pakistan’s Economic and political resuscitation

Industrial revolution of 1700s did not only introduce new Political and Economic dynamics which impaired and eventually replaced old depraved Economic and Political system but it also gave birth to two Political and Economic systems, Capitalism and Communism, which had and continues to have profound impact on world of Politics and Economics.
The developments in economic, political, social and military arena as a result of Industrial revolution paved way for the development of the idea to use economic instrument for political and social objectives.
USSR was the first to use economic tool for the achievement of Political, Social and Economic objectives under the Political-Economic strategy of GOSPLAN, followed by USA, under President Roosevelt, during the Great Depression.
China under new policy, which was well described by Deng Xiaoping “It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice”, in 1980s made paradigm shift from communist political-economic outlook and introduced state controlled capitalism.
The Economic expansion and alteration devised strong and lasting changes in Social, Political and Economic realm of China.
Gwader port, economically and militarily strategically located, holds the key of Pakistan’s Economic-Political resuscitation with its profound effect on Pakistan’s social fabric.
The handing over of Gwader port to China, Industrially and militarily established state, will help in the development of Gwader as an industrial hub with US 10 Billion dollar investment, addressing the issues of educated-job-less class, helping industrial sector, contributing significantly to the collapsing economy. 
Industrial Gwader will also help in watering down the resentment of local Baluch population by offering economic freedom and improved social overhead. The development of such nature will impair prevailing anti-state political notion and eventually pave way for political settlement of Baluchistan issue.
The energy corridor from Gwader port (Arabian Sea) to North-Western China (Xinjiang) will not only feed the energy needs of China but it will also have multiplier effect on Pakistan’s economy by giving birth to infrastructure and Industry from the shores of the Arabian Sea to the extreme North of Pakistan, giving much needed relief to the impaired and stunned economy of Pakistan.
A National Government of Consensus in Afghanistan, backed by USA, Afghan ethnic groups, Pakistan and regional players, can provide Pakistan an access to the Asia Minor and energy hungry state of Russia, giving birth to “Twin energy Corridors”, ensuring strong economy of Pakistan and will help in the establishment of expanded economic ties with the neighbours and beyond.
Gwader as a military port will not only provide second naval base to Pakistan Navy, allaying the naval threat posed by sizable Indian navy, but also with the help of China it will halt the Indian Navy’s  hydro-graphic activities in Indian Ocean.

Gwader as a military port, on the mouth of Strait of Hormuz with Chinese-Pakistani military presence, will further solidify Pakistan’s strategic importance and impair Indian hegemony on Indian Ocean, auxiliary darkening Indian nightmare of Chinese String of Pearls. 

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