Saturday, August 3, 2013

Uncertain Afghanistan Aftermath; U.S.A, Afghanistan & Pakistan

Since the Afghanistan's invasion, USA has pursued an ambiguous Afghan Policy. One of The reasons was the differences between Pentagon and White House regarding Afghan mission which resulted inconclusive Afghan policy with no clear objectives. The undermining of the strategic interests of collation partners, Pakistan in particular, further deteriorated Afghan situation.

As the war prolonged in Afghanistan Military objectives were further diluted. ISAF was wrongly involved in the scheme of Nation building which dragged ISAF directly into corrupt world of Afghan Politics. Scheme failed miserably on multiple levels adding more worries rather than reducing few.

Political-Military strategy relied heavily on Afghan warlords from the North who enjoyed little or no support in the South and East. It was nothing less than blunder to impose minority over majority in such ethically divided country.

 Corrupt Afghan regime added insult to the American injury. Government composed of warlords indulged in drug trafficking was unlikely to help USA in realizing her Political and Military goals in Afghanistan. Highly unpopular Afghan regime is more part of the problem than part of solution. This can clearly be understood by the way Afghan regime retaliated over peace talks with Taliban in Doha.

Another example of mistrust is failed long-term security deal between US and Afghanistan.  After the withdrawal of ISAF troops in 2014, USA had planned for nine permanent bases in Afghanistan. As US had thought that residual Military presence (2500-12000 troops) would assist Afghan regime and guard USA's regional interests. But long term security deal failed to materialize after the heated video conference between President Obama and Afghan president where both openly blamed one another for the failure of Afghan mission.

American ambiguous Afghan policy and corrupt Hamid Karzai's regime has changed the Afghan mood and helped the Taliban resistance in becoming Afghan resistance. This development has made installed Political-Economic system more fragile.

Another mistake committed by US was to undermine legitimate Pakistani strategic interests. US knew well from previous Afghan experiment against the Soviets, how instrumental Pakistan is for the settlement of Afghan Dilemma. In fact Pakistan is essential to successfully implement American long-term designs. But US for all the wrong reasons opted for India which shares no border with Afghanistan (1007, kms) and culturally and traditionally has nothing in common.

Expanded role of India in Afghanistan disgruntled Pakistan, a country which supply 80% of logistics to ISAF in Afghanistan. The development in Afghanistan not only made Pakistan anxious to her very core but also gave rise to the Pakistani apprehensions of Two Front Situation. Assurances from USA did not allay Pakistan's fears. Some Military experts consider the resurgence of Taliban in 2004 had roots in ever solidifying apprehensions of Two Front Situation of Pakistan's Military establishment.

There also seems to be a dead lock between US and Pakistan over the issues of Indian role in Afghanistan and Taliban's role in future Afghan politics. Pakistan wants to confine Indian role as much as it could, the reason is not only Two Front apprehension of Pakistan but also, Pakistan accuses Indian for instigating insurgency in Baluchistan.

Pakistan willing cooperation, for the stable Afghanistan, is essential. but it is only possible when Pakistani legitimate concerns are addressed in details.  Pakistan must have sense of ownership to the afghan solution. Pakistan has suffered immensely, economically politically and militarily, in War against terror and now if US assign India a role more than her capacity and political-economic worth, it will have adverse effect on Afghan solution.

Uncertainty prevails over Afghanistan because of confronting interests of USA, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The imminent danger is not Taliban but the confronting interests of collation partners. It is essential for USA, Afghanistan and Pakistan to have homogeneous and comprehensive Afghan Policy dealing with immediate and long-term Afghan problems, ensuring regional harmony and setting new course for war fatigued and disgruntled Nation who has suffered the most in this "International Game of Chess”.

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