For last six decades Pakistan has
followed vague political and economic policy, ignored Political questions arose
from political and economic contradictions which gave birth to bitter
consequences. The severance of East Pakistan, an example out of many Political
blunders, had political and economic roots.
Once the political question is ignored the magnitude of political problem
intensifies, Military action can neither dilute nor end the problem which is
political in nature on the contrary it will only further complicate the
political problem.

Vacuity of political parties and
establishment has led to the point where disgruntled nation is haunted by the
question of Pakistan’s viability and stability.
For politically, economically,
culturally divided and diverse Pakistan, no uniform political and economic
policy with strong Center’s imprint will
bring about any political and economic objectives, such policy will slim the
chances of success on national arena.
Baluchistan, the largest of all
provinces with a small population, has long standing political and economic
questions. A tribal society, strongly
sensitive, politically and identity wise, always had fears which were never
allayed by the strong central govt.
Military operations have further
isolated the population and paved way for international players to instigate
and facilitate insurgency.
The resentment and the idea of
separation have penetrated deep as of wrong Political and Military
decisions. It is indispensable to start
the dialogue with the Baluch political forces from the south to water down
resentment and impair anti state sentiments. Military operations of any nature to subvert
political sentiments must be avoided. It
is necessary to keep the Pushtun population of Baluchistan away from the
prevailing political notion from the South.

Demoralized and confused law
enforcing agencies with ever crumbling resolve are unlikely to prevent
catastrophes and assaults designed by the well equipped and determined
terrorist outfits.
A detailed plan is needed with
strong political will to counter terrorism with any exception and for the
revival of damaged provincial economy. Clear and bold political decisions can
ensure much desired peace and economic progress in an anarchic province.
Sindh, population wise second
largest province of the federation, is bondage to feudal system in Interior and
to neo capitalism in urban regions. The
political and economic contradictions have deepened and widened in rural and
urban Sindh resulting political and economic status quo resentment, violence
and crime.
Political parties, driven by their vested interests, failed despondently
on political front in addressing political and economic questions.
Economic freedom is the key to
end political and economic status quo in Interior Sindh. Reformed and
controlled Capitalism injected by the state through its political instrument,
will pave way for political and economic progress, and will impair feudal
Strong and unbiased
administrative measures will put check on violence and crime in urban Sindh.
Political appointees in administrative Institutions and law enforcing agencies
stun any progress to curtail crime and violence in urban Sindh. Re-structuring of institutions is
prerequisite for the strong administrative measures with sturdy Political
Punjab, population wise the
largest province of federation with its strong imprints on Center, is
ethnically divided with disgruntled North and South. The slogans of division of
Punjab are getting strong and being echoed throughout Punjab.
The division of Punjab will
address the resentment and facilitate development efforts in smaller manageable
units. But the division on ethnic basis will make ethnic tension and biases
permanent. The solution of Punjab’s problem lies in division on administrative
basis rather than ethnic. This will ensure no bias and ethnic tension in the
aftermath of the division. This
political move will also allay the fears and shallow resentment of Punjabi
dominance by the smaller units of federation.

The Feudal-capitalist system has given birth
to iniquitous distribution of capital and parallel economic-political worlds. Resuscitation
of knocked-out economy will require designed reforms in the political-economic
system by keeping in view the political economic contradictions of that region.
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